This weekend (Our Anniversary) we pressure washed our dirty house! Yuck!
It took a lot longer than I thought it would but I'm glad its done!
This weekend I asked Don for a power tool and a ladder. He was very reluctant but finally gave them to me. I cut down some branches in the back yard all by myself. Ok, so I did one branch and then Don stole the saw back, did the rest him self, and left me with the clean up. He's selfish like that.
I piled up all of the branches and he hauled them away!
Check out our new hanging baskets!
We finally (after 2 years) have finished the sides of the house!
This is what it looked like when we moved in.
We had cleaned it up edged new flower beds but hadn't planted anything until this year... and this is what it looks like now!
We transplanted that rose bush from another part of the flower bed and it is very stressed but we think its going to make it.
We are going to make some sort of arbor thing for both of the rose bushes to climb up.
We planted morning glory seeds along the whole length of the fence and I can't wait for them to grow!
And this is the other side of the house.
The House at Halloween!
Update!!! 7/23/10
A while ago we put mulch down in the front flower beds. I am finally getting pictures posted! The house looks so much better!
Update!!! 6/30/10
We have finally found some time in between work and Grayden to start the landscaping in the front yard. Check out some of the before and after pictures.
The overgrown ground cover and thistle!
The HUGE thorn bush has got to go!!!
When we first moved in the leaves were much smaller and it looked like something out of a Dr. Seuss Book. I am hoping that I can squeeze back there and transplant the tree somewhere else. Unfortunately it looks like the roots are growing under the foundation of the house. We'll see!
This is the dreaded ground cover. I started working on it by digging up a section at at time and ripipng up the ground cover and thistles. It proved to be WAY too much work!
Does anyone see the poor hasta being choked out by all of the weeds? I'm hoping to rescue him and bring him back to life!
This lovely snakeskin is what I found while digging up the ground cover. I'm hoping that whoever it belogs to stays far far away!
I quickly became bored with digging up the weeds so we moved on to "Mission Thorn Bush".
First, we tried the hedge trimmers to try and trim back the thorns... that didn't work.
Then, we tried the tree trimmers to try and cut off some of the branches... that didn't work so well either!
If all else fails... POWER SAW!
It sawed through those stupid thorn bushes like a hot knife through butter!
It was getting a little dark out so we went in for the night. When I woke up and came outside the next morning this is what I found...
Don had hacked through all of the weeds and ground cover and had started planting some plants. Doesn't it look so much better!?!
I helped a little... I directed where the plants should go and then I planted the flowers around the front.
Now back over to the other side... we were able to get all FOUR of the thorn bushes out. Why anyone would plant 4 of those awful things is beyond me!
Look at what those stupid bushes did to the tree! I hope that it will grow back, if not, we will have to cut it down.
They were even starting to kill the pretty flower bush! Luckily we intercepted just in time and we can save the bush!
Next on the list... the Dr. Seuss Trees!
I tried to get back there and dig them up... but they are coming right out of the foundation of the house. Unfortunately they are going to have to be cut down. So... the Power Saw makes a return!
The first one goes down...
And then the second one...
Finally, the last one is down.
So, after digging up the thorn bush stumps, trimming up the flower bush and planing some plants and flowers this is what we get...
It was a lot of work... but the front of the house is done.
Here is one last look at before and after.
Now we just need to start working on the sides of the house... stay tuned for those pictures!